Truck Accidents
Los Angeles Truck Accident Attorney
Committed to Fighting for Your Rights After an Accident
While the commercial trucking industry continues to boom, these larger vehicles pose a serious risk on the road due to their size and weight. Even something as simple as braking or changing lanes in response to debris on the road can be difficult for 18-wheelers and semi-trucks. Truckers may fail to pay attention to the road or respond correctly to a hazard, leading to a serious accident and devastating injuries to individuals in smaller passenger vehicles.
We have recovered millions of dollars for our clients. If you are suffering from an injury due to a truck accident, contact the experienced truck accident attorney at Law OFfices of Pennie Levin, P.C. at (323) 951-1188.
What Caused Your Accident Involving a Semi-Truck or 18-Wheeler?
There are many causes of truck accidents, such as:
- Driver error
- Lack of training
- Drugs or alcohol
- Vehicle malfunctions
Determining the cause and party at fault for the accident can help you recover the just compensation you are owed. There can sometimes be multiple insurance companies involved when dealing with a truck accident due to various state and federal regulations. These companies often argue amongst themselves and try to pressure you into accepting blame even though you are not at fault.
Jennie Levin and her staff won’t let you be bullied by insurance companies or by other attorneys. No matter the cause of your accident, we can develop a strong and effective claim on your behalf. If we don’t win, you don’t pay!
What You Can Expect When You Call Us
When you work with the Los Angeles truck accident attorney here at the Law Offices of Jennie Levin, P.C., you aren’t just working with a lawyer—you are working with an advocate who has helped numerous clients receive the compensation they deserved. We are your biggest advocate after you have been involved in an accident with a truck.
Our firm meets with you and takes the time to thoughtfully listen to you and your situation as we develop our legal strategy. We understand that this is about you and the trauma that you have suffered at the hands of a careless truck operator. It’s our goal that you feel completely comfortable with us and our process and that’s why we are with you throughout every step of the legal process .You should be effectively compensated for every single bit of suffering you have experienced.
Helping You Navigate the Complex Legal Process
We understand that this is not an easy situation for you. You never asked to be in a stressful and time-consuming process such as this. That’s why we take the time to meet with you personally to try and provide some comfort and understanding.
For zealous and dedicated help, call our Los Angeles personal injury attorney at (323) 951-1188! Consultations are confidential.